Leave the railway station by the platform for the Chester train and walk uphill a few metres to a gate and footpath sign on the left through a field.
Enter the field and follow the footpath along the left hand field margin until you come to a hedge at a right angle in front of you in approximately 200 metres. Turn diagonally right towards a lone gate with a footpath marker on it, in the middle of the field.
Proceed ahead to the corner of the field where the path leads through a small copse down to a stream.
Cross the stream by the bridge and proceed across the field and over the stile on to a lane.
Turn right along the lane.
At a road sign on the left indicating a sharp bend just past Owen House Farm, take the footpath to the left over a stile and bear slightly right across the field. A narrow gap in the fence indicates the route, which proceeds into a second field. Cross this field towards a stile and footpath sign on the far side.
Cross the stile and a stream between two ponds and carry on across the next field to another stile and footpath sign to the left of the pylon.
Enter the next field and, skirting the right hand side of the pond, head across the field to a stile (to the left of the gate). To your right you will see the lights of the airport runway and may like to spend some time watching the succession of planes as they roar overhead! Please take note that the runway is only in use at busy times of the day, (i.e. breakfast and tea time) so you may not always see the departure and arrival of the planes.
Cross the stile and then immediately cross a second stile to then cross a tarmac track to yet another stile. Crossing this stile leads to a path bordered by high hedges of dog rose, hawthorn, blackthorn and willow.
Climb the next stile and keep following the path, with farm buildings to your right to a further stile onto Lady Lane.
Turn right along the lane and take the first turning on the left (Davenport Lane). Immediately after Willow House, take the footpath to the right, through a kissing gate.
Proceed through 3 fields via 4 kissing gates. Mobberley Church can now be seen in the distance.
At the end of the 3rd field, turn right towards a double kissing gate at the field boundaries. Go through the gates and continue along the footpath towards the church, passing Mobberley Primary School playing field on your right.
Exit the field at the kissing gate into the car park of the Church Inn.
Turn right onto the road, taking time to visit the beautiful Church of St Wilfrid and St Mary.
Carry on a short distance along the road to a right hand bend, and then take a footpath on the left hand side of the road between a dairy farm and a bungalow.
Climb 2 stiles in quick succession onto a well marked track across a field and over a further stile into the next field.
At the bottom of this field, climb a stile (to the left of a gate) and continue until almost the end of the next field. Climb a stile on the left and walk along the field boundary towards a factory complex. At the end of the field, on the right, climb another stile into the next field.
Leave the field by a stile into a farmyard and continue on the marked path straight ahead.
Pass through a gate into a field. Ignore a stile to your left and carry straight on and over another stile with steps down.
Take a diagonal route through the field (following the arrow of the footpath marker), taking care as there are areas of mud and marshy ground. Head towards a gate where you will find a stile in the fence.
Climb the stile and turn left (with field boundary on your left). Proceed to the bottom of the field, over another stile and descend some steps into the next field.
Proceed to the other side of the field, taking care as the ground is boggy in parts. Pass through a gap in the fence and skirt the boundary of a private garden, crossing a stream with a pond to your right.
Proceed to a small gate in the wall of the property. Turn left and walk along the drive-cum-road.
Turn right onto a road with a river to your left and walk slightly uphill to a main road.
Turn left at the main road (signposted Ashley).
Take the first turning on the left along Station Road (signposted Mobberley Station) and return to your starting point, close to the Railway Inn.